Reword any text in seconds with our AI-powered paraphrasing tool.
Paraphrasing tool works alongside you to help you craft clear, polished, and professional writing—in a fraction of the time. Our AI instantly rephrases your work without changing the meaning or quality of your words. With our help, you can strengthen your sentences, improve the flow of your writing, increase your productivity, and more.
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Paraphrases done
Paraphrasing your writing only takes a few seconds. Our tool is clean, user-friendly, and will give you instant results. To start, just follow these easy steps.
Step 1
Paste or upload your text to the box. You can paraphrase up to 500 words at a time, and conduct an unlimited number of paraphrases per day.
Step 2
Choose the style you’d like to rephrase in. We offer Standard and Fluency. Standard changes vocabulary, while Fluency enhances clarity.
Step 3
Press the “paraphrase” button at the bottom of the box, and our tool will instantly give you a brand-new version of your writing. It’s that easy!
We’re not your average content rephraser. Paraphrasing tool was built with writers like you in mind. Our carefully trained algorithms, customization options, and different modes help you do more than just automatically reword your content. We help you make it shine.
Manually rewording and revising can be tedious. With AI paraphrasing tool, you can get fresh content in a click.
With 2 different paraphrasing styles and highly accurate AI, we don’t just rephrase your content—we make it better.
Our paraphrasing tool refreshes your text, helping you discover new words and spice up your sentences.
If you’re struggling with awkward or confusing sentences, our tool can make your writing clear and easy to understand.
Our algorithms are designed to assist writers of all levels. We offer a convenient way to rephrase and improve your text without impacting its quality, flow, or consistency. Here’s some popular ways different writers use our paraphrasing tool.
Content creators
Language learners
If you're struggling to improve your essay, paraphrasing tool can help rephrase your content in a way that you're proud of -- and even finish before the due date. Your professors will be impressed.
Whether you’re crafting a lesson plan, creating a pop quiz, or putting together a study guide, paraphrasing tool can help you make your old content into something brand-new.
From drafting important emails to planning big projects, paraphrasing tool can enhance the clarity of your ideas and ensure your words are polished and professional.
Content creators
We can help you craft content that wows your audience in record time. Refresh old posts to keep them current, repurpose writing for multiple channels, tailor your tone for audience, and more.
Language learners
We can help you write like a native speaker. Paraphrasing tool can help you smooth over awkward sentences and effortlessly transform your thoughts into natural, polished English.
Regardless if you are a student, a professional, or a content creator, our AI rewording tool offers a convenient and efficient way to rephrase long textual content while maintaining quality and consistency.
Benefits | AI Paraphrasing Tool | Other Paraphrasing Tool | |||
Ease to Use | |||||
500 Word Paraphrasing | |||||
100% Free | |||||
Multiple Modes | |||||
No Sign Up | |||||
Synonym Slider | |||||
Multi-Lingual Support | |||||
Sentence Level Rephrase |
Millions of writers around the world trust us to help them save time and improve their writing. Here’s what makes us stand out from the competition.
Our paraphrasing tool allows you to reword multiple paragraphs at a time, at up to 500 words per paraphrase. This makes it easy to rephrase entire papers or documents in just a few clicks. Additionally, there are no limits on the number of free paraphrases you can do per day.
Our algorithms are trained and maintained by expert linguists to ensure outputs are accurate, grammatically correct, and do not change the meaning of your words.
The Synonym Slider lets you control how much your writing will change. Whether you just want to tweak it a little, or make something totally new, our paraphrasing tool can help.
Want to learn more about Paraphrasing Tool? See if we’ve answered your question below.
When used correctly, paraphrasing tool helps students expand vocabulary, fix awkward phrasing, and more.
Yes, our Paraphrasing Tool can enhance the flow and clarity of your writing.
No, paraphrasing your own writing is not plagiarism. Your ideas are still your own.
Paraphrasing your own writing is not cheating. Paraphrasing another’s words is not cheating if you cite your sources.
Our paraphrasing tool is trusted by 12 Million+ writers and trained by experts to ensure top quality.
Even paraphrased writing needs citations. Ideas can be plagiarized just as easily as words. If you’re paraphrasing someone else’s ideas, make sure you cite them properly. Trying to pass off someone else’s idea as your own, with fresh language, is just as unethical as directly copying a quote.
Restructure articles and improve the readability of your writing.
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