Transform your essay instantly. Just paste your text into the box below to get results.
This free tool is simple, straightforward, and easy to use. Follow these steps to get a completely rewritten essay in seconds.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 1
Copy your essay text and paste it into the input box to begin rewriting.
Step 2
Pick between Standard for basic rewriting or Fluency for enhanced readability.
Step 3
Adjust the slider to your preferred level of rewriting, from minimal changes to a complete rephrase.
Step 4
If desired, customize your results by hovering over a word to see alternative options and choosing the one you like best.
Step 5
Once you’re happy with your results, export the file to continue working offline.
We offer two different styles to choose from when rewriting your essay. Use the descriptions below to help you select the mode that’s best for your project.
Mode | Standard | Fluency | |||
What it does | Straightforward rewriting with minimal alterations | Enhances readability by refining sentence structure | |||
When to use | Best for updating phrasing without changing structure or tone | Best for ELLs or simplifying complex papers | |||
Why choose it | Preserves the tone of academic writing with subtle improvements | Helps writing sound clear and natural; perfect for non-native speakers |
While our algorithms are carefully trained and highly accurate, quality inputs can help give you the best results possible. Follow these best practices when using our tool.
Beginning with a clear, complete, and well-structured essay will ensure you get the best-quality results.
After you’ve rewritten your essay, double-check your paper to ensure all of your sources are still properly cited.
Our tool offers a variety of ways to rewrite your essay, so compare multiple options to find the one you like best.
If you used data or numbers, make sure they’re still accurate and didn’t change during the rephrasing process.
Whether you’re a novice writer or a confident wordsmith, our essay rewriter can help you do your best work yet. Here are some popular ways writers use our tool for their essays.
Research papers
Academic sources
Flow and tone
Research papers
Research papers can often become lengthy and complex. But our essay rewriter can instantly help you make your paper clear and easy to read, without changing the meaning. With our tool, you’ll save time on tedious edits.
Your thesis is the foundation of your paper, and it’s important that it’s clear and impactful. Our tool can help you find stronger and better ways to phrase your writing, so you can deliver your ideas effectively and precisely.
Academic sources
Citing sources is critical in an academic paper, but translating others’ ideas into your own words can be difficult. Our essay rewriter instantly paraphrases ideas, helping you add sources to your paper and keep the tone of your writing consistent.
Flow and tone
Academic papers often concern many complex ideas. If you are unable to transition between ideas, your arguments will be less effective. Our tool can help you adjust phrasing and find the best way to present information to your audience.
Your conclusion is the most important place to present a compelling summary of your main argument. Our tool can help you concisely sum up the information in your paper and clearly restate your thesis, giving your conclusion greater impact.
Looking for more information about our essay rewriter? See if we’ve answered your question below.
Yes, our essay rewriter is excellent for simplifying complicated texts.
Our tool can rewrite up to 500 words at a time.
For long texts, you can rephrase one section at a time.
Rephrasing your text only takes a few seconds.
Create unique versions of existing long-form content in seconds.
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